Integrated Co-Teaching: Making It Work

This course will provide educators with a positive outlook on inclusion and provide strategies for the successful implementation of an inclusive classroom. Participants will familiarize themselves with the special education process and law,learn how to read and implement an IEP,understand what the responsibilities are of the general education teacher and the special education teacher, develop strategies for collaborating with parents, regular and special educators, paraprofessionals, and other individuals in the educational program and develop lessons that meet the needs of all the students. Topics such as team teaching, class set-up, modifications, and student placements will also be focused upon.

Teachers enrolled in this course will...


  1. know the difference between full and partial inclusion programs.
  2. the different types of accommodations and adaptations that students may require


  1. how general educators, special educators and other support services each play an important role in promoting student achievement in the inclusion classroom.
  2. how special education process and laws protect the rights and needs of students in the inclusion classroom

and Be Able To

  1. plan lessons that address the needs of all learners in the inclusion classroom.
  2. differentiate instruction to promote success among all types of learners and levels of readiness
Visit to learn more and to register.

Teacher: Amy Adkins