Autism Spectrum Disorders: Understanding and Management in the Classroom/School Environment

Autism. We’ve seen it on the news, in the movies, and increasingly in our classrooms. Students with Autism and their very specific needs often present a challenge to the classroom teacher. This course is designed to educate participants and provide them with essential information for working with PDD students. The course syllabus will include an overview of Autism starting from the most formative years, pre-school through the secondary level. This course will provide the knowledge and understanding of their behaviors, triggers, and solutions within the school environment. Some of the topics to be discussed include definition, ABA, behavior management and an interdisciplinary approach.This course is a must for all educational staff who will be dealing with these students within the school environment. *This online class will parallel the on-site version. Please do not enroll if you have participated in the on-site edition of this course.

Teachers enrolled in this course will...


  1. DSM definitions relating to ASD
  2. Autism prevalence
  3. Theory of Mind
  4. Information on the vaccine controversy
  5. Features of gluten-free diets


  1. the controversy surrounding immunization based on the latest research.
  2. how behavior issues differ from sensory issues.
  3. how parents’ perspectives are affected by raising an autistic child and advocating for his or her educational needs.

and Be Able To

  1. employ new strategies learned in class to better address the needs of children on the spectrum.
  2. use forms and templates provided for visual schedules, Functional Behavior Analysis, Antecedent Behaviors Consequences, and social stories.
  3. make use of a variety of new teaching materials to assess and to differentiate instruction
and much, much more!

Visit to learn more and register.