Integrating STEM/STEAM into the Elementary Classroom

The elementary science classroom has evolved tremendously over the years. It seems that most districts across the country are encouraging classroom teachers to implement more STEM/STEAM activities into their classrooms. This can be a very daunting task, even for the most seasoned educators. This course is designed to help you incorporate valuable and meaningful math, science and technology lessons and activities to your students. This class will give teachers the resources and background to get a better understanding of what STEM/STEAM is, and how to implement lessons effectively. Websites, apps, technology, literature and more will be shared among the class for everyone to use. This course is designed for grades K-6.

Teachers enrolled in this course will...


  • what are the key components of teaching STEM/STEAM effectively
  • what elementary STEM/STEAM classrooms really need
  • the principles and components of effective STEM/STEAM instruction
  • how to aid their students in thinking critically in a scientific setting
  • useful literature to enhance co-curricular activities


  • the effectiveness of incorporating critical thinking and project based learning on a daily basis
  • that wide varieties of resources and tools exist and preview a few
  • the difference between traditional science lessons and STEM/STEAM lessons
  • the positives, rationale and effectiveness of STEM/STEAM instruction

and Be Able To

  • identify and discuss current instruction/strategies that enhance STEM/STEAM instruction
  • make use of a wide variety of interactive websites that exist to support reluctant readers
  • discuss the implementation of the strategies
  • practice implementation of Tinkercad, WeVideo, and other online resources
  • develop STEM/STEAM content knowledge
  • reflect and develop their own teaching style and philosophy

Visit to learn more and to register!

Teacher: Brian Harvey